Hotels in Zante Town

Find hotels, villas, studios and apartments in Zakynthos town (Zante town). Comprehensive list of accommodation in Zante town, price comparison, availability and online booking for all the summer lodgings. Find useful information, the location on the map and contact information for all the lodgings.
Browsing in > Zante Town

Palatino Hotel
| Zante Town | view map Official WebsiteHotel Palatino is situated in the town of Zakynthos and offers guests a welcoming atmosphere, friendly service, comfortable accommodation and many amenities. ...more

Plaza Hotel
| Zante Town | view map Official WebsiteThis centrally situated Zante town hotel is right opposite Agia Triada beach. Guests enjoy accommodation with direct views of the Ionian blue Sea and free Wi-Fi. ...more

Strada Marina Hotel
| Zante Town | view map Official WebsiteStrada Marina Hotel is located in the center of Zante town and combine the tradition with the modern requirements of stay. ...more