Hotels in Kipseli Zakynthos

Find hotels, villas, studios and apartments in Kipseli Zakynthos. Comprehensive list of accommodation in Kipseli, price comparison, availability and online booking for all the summer lodgings. Find useful information, the location on the map and contact information for all the lodgings.
Browsing in > Kipseli Zakynthos

Agnanti Guest House
| Kipseli Zakynthos | view mapAgnanti Guest House is located just 1.5 klm away from the beach in a beautiful area surrounded by olive groves. ...more

Angelo Villa Paradise Apartments
| Kipseli Zakynthos | view map Official WebsiteSurrounded by gardens with palm trees and flowers, Angelo Villa Paradise Apartments is located in Kypseli. ...more

Arkadia Apart Hotel
| Kipseli Zakynthos | view map Official WebsiteArkadia Apart Hotel is a stylish, friendly hotel, located in Kypseli, 250 metres from the beach. ...more

Lilianas Villa
| Kipseli Zakynthos | view map Official WebsiteLilianas Villa is located in kipseli area and is the ideal place for those seeking tranquil and private accommodations. ...more

Tsamis Zante Hotel & Spa
| Kipseli Zakynthos | view map Official WebsiteLocated next to Pahi Ammos beach in Kypseli village, Tsamis Zante Hotel & Spa combines the stylish setting with the outstanding service. ...more